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DATES: May 5, 7, 11, 13, 15, 19, 21, 26, 28 May 4, 6, 8, 12, 14, 18, 20, 22, 27, 29June, 1, 3, 5, 9, 11, 15, 17, 19 June 2, 4, 8, 10, 12, 16, 18 |
School Nurse - Christopher Welyczko, RN, CSN-NJ Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:10 a.m.-11:50 a.m and 12:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m. |
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Period/Block Time | Activity | Period/Block Time | Activity |
0 7:30 - 8:10 (40 mins) | Prep | 0 7:30 - 8:10 (40 mins) | 旋风加速器app官网 |
1 8:10 - 8:55 (45 mins) | Block 1 class schedule | 1 8:10 - 8:55 (45 mins) | 旋风加速官网下载ios |
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3 9:40 - 10:25 (45 mins) | Block 3 class schedule | 3 9:40 - 10:25 (45 mins) | Block 3 class schedule |
4 10:25 - 11:10 (45 mins) | Block 4 class schedule | 4 10-25 - 11:10 (45 mins) | Block 4 class schedule |
Group 11:10 - 11:50 (40 mins) |
Daily Self Management /Restorative Justice /Positive Peer Culture |
Group 11:10 - 11:50 (40 mins) |
Daily Self Management /Restorative Justice /Positive Peer Culture |
Lunch 11:50 - 12:30 (40 mins) | Staff Lunch | Lunch 11:50 - 12:30 (40 mins) | Staff Lunch |
12:30 - 2:30 (2 hrs.) |
PD, team meeting, office hours, tutoring, outreach |
12:30 - 2:30 (2 hrs.) |
PD, team meeting, office 旋风加速官网下载ios |
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B-DAY SCHEDULE 8:10 AM - 3:10 PM |
Period/Block | Activity | 旋风加速器官网下载 | Activity |
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2 8:55 - 9:40 (45 mins) | Block 2 class schedule | 2 8:55 - 9:40 (45 mins) | Block 2 class schedule |
3 9:40 - 10:25 (45 mins) | Block 3 class schedule | 3 9:40 - 10:25 (45 mins) | Block 3 class schedule |
4 10:25 - 11:10 (4 mins) | Block 4 class schedule | 蚂蚁加速器最新版下载地址和刷邀请方法 - 伋理交流 - 八云论坛:2021-8-22 · 蚂蚁加速器 这个加速器个人觉得非常好用,就速度来说,蚂蚁比旋风是有过之而无不及,实测可伍达到3 m+/s的速度。不过我觉得它的优点不仅局限于速度快,更有伍下几点: 1.支持windows、andriod、苹果ios、mac四个平台,下图是我在电脑上安装的。 | Block 4 class schedule |
Group 11:10 - 11:50 (40 mins) |
Daily Self Management 旋风加速器官网下载 /Positive Peer Culture |
荒野乱斗安卓版国际服在哪下?IOS国际服在哪下?_搜一搜 ...:今天 · 荒野乱斗国服在6月9日正式上线,热度非凡,不少小伙伴在体验完国服后还不满足,想要入坑国际服去和全世界玩家激情对战。我伊就为想要安装国际服却无从下手的玩家伊准备了详细的入坑攻略,解决荒野乱斗国际服在哪下的问题。搜一搜手游网为您提供最新,最全,热门手游攻略资讯! |
Daily Self Management /Restorative Justice /Positive Peer Culture |
Lunch 11:50 - 12:30 (40 mins) | Staff Lunch | QQ旋风_官方电脑版_华军纯净下载:2021-8-12 · qq旋风(超级旋风)是一款功能全面的下载工具。qq旋风(超级旋风)全面支持电驴、HTTP、BT、FTP等下载方式。qq旋风(超级旋风)使得试用加速的限制时间变成了无限循环,效果与迅雷加速相同。下载速度更快,占用内存更少,界面更清爽简单。 | Staff Lunch |
12:30 - 2:30 (2 hrs.) |
PD, team meeting, office hours, tutoring, outreach |
12:30 - 2:30 (2 hrs) |
PD, team meeting, office hours, tutoring, outreach |
0 2:30 - 3:10 (40 mins) | Prep | 0 2:30 - 3:10 (40 mins) | Prep |
Paterson Public Schools Chromebook Initiative Parent and Student Acceptable Use Policy Handbook
(Click on link above)
Please be advised that students will be responsible to complete daily assignments based on the number of days school is closed. Students are ONLY responsible for the 4 scheduled classes they have on either A or B day. All coursework for each designated day A or B must be completed daily. Also, one Self Management assignment must be completed for each day school is closed.
Click on links below to access your coursework and lesson plans! Look for subject area, your teacher and date!
Lessons 1-10 (March 17-April 21)
English I English II English III English IV Fundamentals of Writing
H Saleem Lesson Plan P Rauf 旋风加速器ios下载二维码 H Saleem Lesson Plan W Persad Lesson Plan S Montague Lesson Plan
K Lassiter Lesson Plan K Lassiter 旋风加速器专业版官网 K Lassiter Lesson Plan K Lassiter Lesson Plan
Lessons 11-20 (April 22- May 19)
H Saleem Lesson Plan P Rauf Lesson Plan H Saleem Lesson Plan W Persad Lesson Plan 旋风加速器专业版官网 Lesson Plan
K Lassiter Lesson Plan K Lassiter Lesson Plan K Lassiter 旋风加速器app官网 K Lassiter Lesson Plan
At-Home Therapy & Resource Packet (March 17-April 21) 旋风加速器下载:2021-4-26 · 旋风加速器 苹果下载 安卓下载 旋风加速器安卓版 版本号:1.1.5 时间:06-16 下载 旋风加速器 安卓版 ... rocket加速器 神龟加速器官网 评论 共有 5 条评论 芝麻雨哥哥 新款苹果,用什么看电视都没 … (April 22-May 19)
Lessons 1-10 (March 17-April 21)
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旋风专业版ios Lesson Plan G Dorino Lesson Plan CJ Walker Lesson Plan D Hussein Lesson Plan D Hussein Lesson Plan
S Womack 旋风加速器专业版官网
Lessons 11-20 (April 22- May 19)
L Apaza Lesson Plan G Dorino Lesson Plan CJ Walker Lesson Plan D Hussein Lesson Plan 旋风加速器专业版官网 Lesson Plan
Lessons 1-10 (March 17-April 21)
Biology Chemistry Environmental Science
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Ms Alom 旋风加速器ios下载二维码 Ms Alom Lesson Plan Ms Alom Lesson Plan
Lessons 11-20 (April 21- May 19)
R Almonte Lesson Plan H Wu Lesson Plan S Desai Lesson Plan
Ms Alom Lesson Plan Ms Alom Lesson Plan Ms Alom 旋风加速官网
Lessons 1-10 (March 17-April 21)
US History I US History II World History Economics
P Vandewende Lesson Plan S Collins Lesson Plan J Desopo Lesson Plan
M Rhodes Lesson Plan 旋风加速器官网下载 Lesson Plan M Rhodes Lesson Plan
Lessons 11-20 (April 22- May 19)
P Vandewende Lesson Plan S Collins 旋风加速器.apk J Desopo Lesson Plan J Desopo Lesson Plan
M Rhodes Lesson Plan M Rhodes 旋风ios M Rhodes Lesson Plan
Lessons 1-10 (March 17-April 21)
Spanish I Spanish II Physical Education/Health I-IV
H Lopez Lesson Plan Y Casilla Lesson Plan D Jones 旋风加速官网下载ios
S Pinches-Collum Lesson Plan
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H Lopez Lesson Plan Y Casilla Lesson Plan D Jones Lesson Plan
S Pinches-Collum Lesson Plan
Lessons 1-10 (March 17-April 21)
Entrepreneurship Foundation of Art Intro to Drawing Personal Finance Music Workplace Experience
B Korzinek Lesson Plan C Clark Lesson Plan P Korzinek 旋风加速器官网下载 J Nanna Lesson Plan A Davson Lesson Plan
Lessons 11-20 (April 22- May 19)
B Korzinek Lesson Plan C Clark Lesson Plan P Korzinek Lesson Plan J Nanna Lesson Plan A Davson Lesson Plan
Lessons 1-10 (March 17-April 21)
Self Management PPC Groups - Lesson Plan
Rm 202 - Johnson/Fernandez/DeSopo/Casilla/Lopez Rm 203 - Klein/Rhodes/Womack Rm 204 - Anglin/Crisp/Desai
腾讯网游加速器——绝地求生首选加速器【官方推荐】 - QQ:2021-6-9 · 腾讯官方出品的海外游戏网络加速工具。完美加速绝地求生、彩虹六号、GTA5、无限法则、战地等上百款海外游戏,有效解决游戏中出现的延迟、丢包、卡顿等问题。72小时超长免费试用,体验后购 … Rm 207 - Jordan/Clark/Wu/Korzinek Rm 208 - Bacote/Collins/Lassiter
Rm 301 - Brown/VanderWende/Apaza Rm 302 - McDuffie/Brown/Davson Rm 303 - Dickerson/Montague/Korzinek
Lessons 11-20 (April 22- May 19)
Self Management PPC Groups - Lesson Plan
Rm 202 - Johnson/Fernandez/Desopo/Casilla/Lopez Rm 203 - Klein/Rhodes/Womack Rm 204 - Anglin/Crisp/Desai
Rm 206 - Douglas/Griles/Almonte Rm 207 - Jordan/Clark/Wu/Korzinek Rm 208 - Bacote/Collins/Lassiter
Rm 301 - Brown/VanderWende/Apaza Rm 302- McDuffie/Brown/Davson Rm 303-Dickerson/Montague/Korzinek
Rm 306- Whitaker/Walker/Rauf
Supervisors Packets
Click Here to Take Survey
Student Code of Conduct
Lakeyba Brown
973-321-1000 Ext. 10113
(Click on name to send email)
Nicole Y. Payne
(973) 321-0324
(Click on name to send email)
Great Falls Academy
and Silk City Academy
are merged for reporting purposes.
The Great Falls Academy ABR Score is 70 of 78 points
ABR District and School Grade Report
Anti-Bullying Specialist
Lakeyba Brown
973-321-1000 Ext. 10113
2023-20 GFA Student Handbook
High School Graduate Requirements
Paterson Public Schools
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